‘Cotton Manufacture of Dacca’, the most detailed history on muslin to-date, 19th century
‘I am spending all my Money … I bought 10 yds of (pretty coloured check’d muslin)
– Jane Austen (1775-1817), English author, writing to her sister Cassandra on 18th April 1811
- ঢাকাই মসলিন- আবদুল কারিম, মে ১৯৬৫, ফজলে রাব্বি, বাংলা একাডেমী।
- জামদানী- মোহাম্মদ সাইদুর, জুন ১৯৯৩, বাংলা একাডেমী।
- Muslin-Sonia Ashmore, 2012, V&A Publishing.
- The Company weavers of Bengal (The East India Company and the Organization of Textile Production in Bengal)-Hameeda Hossain, 2010, The University Press Limited.
- The Sketch of the Topography & Statistics of Dacca-James Taylor, First Edition 1840, Asiatic Society Edition, March 2010, The Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.
- Textile Tradition of Bangladesh-National Crafts Council of Bangladesh, Second revised Edition 2006, National Crafts Council of Bangladesh.
- A Dictionary of the Economic Products of India, Vol 4, Cambridge Library Collection, 1890
- How India clothed the world: the world of South Asian textiles. 1500-1850, Roberto Davini, Business History, 2010
- The Life of Edward Baines, Late M.P. for the Borough of Leeds, Edward Baines, newspaper proprietor, Leeds
- An Account of the Art of Weaving amongst the Ancients, (On The Raw Materials Used For Weaving, Volume 1), James Yates
- The Marie Antoinette dress that ignited the slave trade, Caroline London, January, 2018
- The Mapping of Indian Textiles, Anshika Jain, June, 2019
- The Wild and cultivated Cotton plants of the world by Sir George Watt;, Longmans, Green, and co., London 1907
- Bengal to Britain (Re-creating Historic Fashions of the Muslin Trade), Foreward by Dr. Sarif Uddin Ahmed, Edited by Heritage Fashion Recreations, Designed by Saif Osmani, Stepney Community Trust
- Protecting Bangladesh’s Geographical Indication Interests (The case of Jamdani), October 2014, National Crafts Council of Bangladesh.
- SPINNING FOR FREEDOM- On How Viewing Khadi as theatre Unravels the Narrative of Mahatma Gandhi- By Dr. Susan S. Bean
- 5000 years of India’s Trade textile by Jasleen Dhamija