- Tel: +880-2-8141817, 58153087, 9120125
- Email:info.bengalmuslin@gmail.com
In 2014, Saiful Islam returned to his home country Bangladesh with a special objective in mind. He had been working in England for a number of years and was closely connected with the Bangladeshi diaspora there, when he was approached by the Stepney Community Trust to put together an exhibition and tell the world about a fabric most special, yet lost in time.
It is a story that should be remembered; an art that deserves revival. We will inform
the world about its heritage, weave and promote it and recognise the artesans by
improving their financial and working conditions.
Western view on muslin has prevailed till now. Serious research and efforts for its
revival were not done before our project. We believe that this craft deserves to be
recognised and supported as Bangladesh’s heritage.
Provides references to sources which are useful when you are seeking additional
information or context about muslin. Here are some reading material that can be a
part of the overall study.
Multiple videos on muslin’s search, revival and subsequent reports are part of this
growing archive. Reversing the trend of colonial interpretations, bureaucratic secrecy
and academic negligence, we have been open with our information for everybody’s